Sunday, June 5, 2009

Jer's flight to Hawaii was mostly uneventful. The Minneapolis-St. Paul airpot is huge and empty. Standard collection of new-airport stores (it's a mall! only stupid!) (does anyone ever buy anything but pillows at Brookstone?). Had to fix not one, but two mechanical problems on the way to the airport. Arrived quite later to Honolulu, but Alex and Dawn gamely waited.

Jer and his two companions boarded the tuna-boat of a sedan that Dawn had received from the rental company and wallowed their way up to Haleiwa. After some confusion, they found Sunset House 808, which turned out to be more of a party place/surfer crash pad. Dawn was not so pleased, but decided to be a good sport. She got the studio, while Alex and Jer got the 2-bedroom. We then headed out to the nearby Foodland for provisions (bacon, eggs, Maker's, etc). After that, we did some work, had some grub, and off to bed.

Monday, June 6, 2009

Jer and his non-recreational companions awoke early, assisted by jet lag. They boarded the Oldsmobile Tuna Supreme and headed down back towards Haleiwa town to a surf-n-snorkel shop, where they rented some gear. Just across the road was Shark's Cove, one of the best off-beach snorkeling locations in the world. Getting down to the water was a little dicey on account of the slippery rocks. Once we got into the deeper water, though it was easy peasy. The water was incredibly clear and full of fishies! Due to the sunrise hour, we were the only ones there, too. By the shore, the waves were a little pushy, considering that the "shore" was mainly a coral cliff, but other than that, it was very calm.

Eventually it was time to go shower and head off to the training center. There, we learned that we were at the wrong training center. So, off to the write training center (which was much nicer) and class setup. If you need a place to teach a class in central Oahu, the University of Phoenix facility there is great!

Setup done, we went back and did some early-evening snorkeling off Sunset Beach. Much easier to get into the water, but fewer fishies, less interesting coral, and cloudier water. And more people. But, right across the street from the house.

Then more work. Stupid work, requiring us to do work...