Day 3

Jer got up with the alarm and wandered out to make breakfast (again, eggs, bacon, toast and tea). Jess wandered out a bit later and poured us juice, then wrote in this journal while Jer finished cooking. Jer got washed and ready to go, then the power went out. We waited impatiently for it to come on again, then Jess took her turn at washing up and getting ready.

We walked over to Momzanne and Penny's and took their order for 5 chocolate chip cookies, then hopped in the golf cart and headed into town. We stopped by Arthur's Bakery and got our refund, but the cookies were still in the oven. We decided to drive to Queen Conch, but sadly it was still closed. So we headed back to the bakery, collected our cookies (and a few other baked goods) and went back to our cottage.

After dropping off our baked goods and changing into our swimsuits, we stopped by Momzanne and Penny's to drop off their cookies. That done, we headed back to find a bayside snorkeling spot where we'd been told there would be shallow water and lots of starfish. We located the spot with little difficulty, and Jer coaxed a very reluctant Jess into the water. He went right in and started looking around, and Jess eventually convinced herself to practice a little. Sadly, there were no fish or starfish, just a few shells and lots of seaweed. So we quickly got bored and headed back to our cottage to get dressed, rinse the salt water off our gear and get ready for lunch.

We drove to Sip Sip, a restaurant in a lime green clapboard house that one of Jess's colleagues had recommended. We sat on the terrace, with a superb view of the pink sand beach. The specials of the day all looked fabulous, but we eventually made our selections: Jess got the artichoke and stone crab dip with fresh pita, and Jer had the beefsteak tomato and fresh mozzarella stack with tapenade and pesto. Both dishes were delicious, and we left Sip Sip very full and happy!

After lunch we returned to our cottage to tidy up and gather our things, before heading to Momzanne and Penny's. We lazed around there for a while, reading our books. Momzanne and Penny took the cart into town to do some shopping. While they were out, Jer took a nap while Jess showered. After Momzanne and Penny returned, we went for a long walk on the beach with Momzanne while Penny read on a lounger. Then we went back and all changed for dinner.

Dinner at the Landing was fabulous. Jer had the chilli salted squid, followed by lobster dumplings, with espresso ice cream for dessert. Jess had the caprese salad, the stone crab stack and a pineapple-raspberry parfait. Momzanne had panfried scallops, rack of lamb and lime sorbet. Penny had lobster and sweet potato tempura, the stone crab stack and dark chocolate pudding. The service was a bit slow and disordered, but at least the views over the bay and the food were good.

Jer and Momzanne both started yawning, so we headed back to our cottages, Momzanne and Penny dropping us off along the way. We brought in all of our drying apparel and got ready for bed.