Mexico 2009 Day 10 - April 5

We got a late start this morning, due in part to the start of Mexican daylight savings time. Luckily, we didn't have any major plans for the morning, just packing and a leisurely breakfast. After a granola bar mini-breakfast, we paid for our room and wrote a note in the hotel guestbook.

We then crossed the street to the mercado. Following our proprietress's advice, we walked to the back of the market, where we found the food stands patronized by locals (as opposed to the ones out front, which seemed to have more tourists). Jer was very pleased to have a cochinita pibil (Mayan pork) taco, and Jess had a beef sope (much like last night's picadas - a shallow corn tortilla boat filled with beans and topped with beef, cheese, onions, cilantro and spicy salsa, topped with salsa fresca). We also bought a bottle of fresh-squeezed OJ. Mmm.

Jess was still a little hungry, so we wandered around for a bit. She wanted a crepe, so we headed to Cafe Cito, hoping to try somewhere new. Unfortunately, there prices were a bit high and none of their options grabbed us, so we left and went back to Cafe Hidalgo. This time we shared a sweet crepe with fabulous Mexican honey and small, somewhat bland Mexican apples, plus we each got a pot of chai. It was nice to sit in the shade and people-watch for a bit.

Once we finished our breakfast, we headed back to our hotel to check out and return the keys. Having taken our leave of our lovely proprietresses, we carried our bags to the ferry terminal and got tickets for the 11:30 am Ultramar ferry to Puerto Juarez. We had no problems catching a combi to the ADO bus station in Cancun, where we got tickets for the next airport bus. The bus ride was longer than we recalled - it took us most of the way to Crococun before veering westward to the airport. The bus dropped us off at Terminal 2, but we got a shuttle to Terminal 3 and got checked in rather early for our flight. Oh well, at least we got seats together and had plenty of time to get lunch. It was easy enough get there with public transit, we were glad not to have sprung for a taxi from the ferry (which would have been much, much more expensive).

After going through security, we made our way to the food court. We passed up Haagen Dasz, Domino's, Johnny Rocket's and Peking Xpres in favor of Guacamole Mexican Grill, as Jer felt compelled to try their cochinita pibil (Mayan pork) tacos. Jess had a bean and cheese burrito. While our meals were neither totally authentic nor cheap, they were pretty tasty - it was one of the better (and best value) airport meals we've had.

We boarded the flight on time, but because there's only one runway, our takeoff was delayed. Jess started feeling ill again as we taxied, but she rallied once we were airborne. On the flight home, Jer looked at our pictures from the trip (and took a few more) while Jess read. We arrived at JFK a bit late, to make our way home after a fun Mexican sojourn.

Things To Do On Our Next Trip To The Yucatan: